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Empowering Underprivileged Youth Through Art

Project Kalakar

Our mission is to empower these children with skills, knowledge, and confidence through immersive experiences in dance, art, and various life-enriching activities. Drawing from their extensive training and experience, Sankalp Sharma and Michael Maurissens will inspire and guide the participants on their journey of self-discovery and artistic exploration.

Project Kalakar aims to break the cycle of poverty by instilling a love for creativity and providing practical skills to underprivileged children. Through their participation in the program, they will gain confidence, discipline, and a sense of empowerment, setting them on the path to a brighter future.

Awaken Yourself  Through Movement and Nature

"If you really think the ECONOMY is more important than the environment, try holding your breath whilst you count your MONEY."

- Dr Guy McPherson

India is a land of varied heritage and culture. Amidst beautiful heritage, the country also includes a plethora of art history which dates back a thousand years.

To reach out to a magnitude of people who would like to experience art and a natural way of living, that can help in providing a platform to explore a simpler approach to life, we are pleased to bring forth - Vinyasa Earth - A place to ground, explore and connect.


We at Vinyasa envisage a safe abode with elements from the mother earth, a space that is designed in an ecological setting with natural architecture. The earthen cottages, the amphitheatre, reception area, waiting area, and storage rooms everything contains the goodness of mother earth to provide the artists and visitors a perfect blend of nature and art.


With the zero usage of cement, bricks and any form of chemicals, and reusing and upscaling plastics in a unique way we at Vinyasa aim to provide people a connection to themselves and nature with the utmost gratitude towards mother earth!

A man dancing

The Vinyasa Vibe

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उनके डांस आश्रम में देश के हर एक राज्य, यहां तक की विदेशों से भी लोग डांस सीखने आते हैं और वे सभी यहां से डांस के साथ-साथ, पर्यावरण के प्रति ज्यादा जिम्मेदार होने का सबक भी लेकर जाते हैं।

At Vinyasa, what strikes the first time visitor is how they have managed to keep everything natural and organic. This includes the building materials used for the construction of the separate mud structures as well as the food prepared in the kitchen from locally sourced vegetables, some of which are grown in their own field. The one of a kind space offers different accommodation options ranging from dorms to separate mud houses.

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The usual stress of travel feels non-existent here. There is no bargaining for a tuk-tuk. No blaring of car horns. Or crazy truck sounds. Just nature. The chirping of birds. And the company of like-minded travellers. Five hours have passed, and I haven’t even thought to look at my phone. 


At last! I have found a place that aligns with my mindful travel intentions.

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